This may refer to an implant placed to restore volume caused by a loss of an eye.
A type of cosmetic eyelid surgery where the eyelids are reshaped to create a crease for patients with mono-eyelids or to increase a patient’s original fold on the upper eyelid or to correct asymmetrical folds.
A procedure that corrects defects as well as deformities of the eyelids. It is also a procedure for cosmetic problems that involves removal, excision and re-positioning of skin, muscle and tendon tissues of the eyelids.
An injectable material used in small doses by doctors to lessen muscle activity and block certain nerves to reduce facial wrinkles. It is made from a toxin produced by bacteria called clostridium botulinum.
Corrective Eye Lift Surgery
Also known as blepharoplasty. A surgical procedure to repair droopy or saggy eyelids.
Dark blemishes around the eyes caused by allergies, heredity, race, age, stress and medical conditions.
A non-surgical treatment injected into the skin to relax facial muscles. Used for the temporary improvement of moderate to severe wrinkles and frown lines.
Eyelid surgery which is artistically planned to accommodate the unique ethnic characteristics of an individual.
A procedure that transfers donor hairs from the scalp to the areas of the eyelid or eyebrow that need hair due to genetics, alopecia, trauma and/or disease.
Eyelid Blepharoplasty/ SmartLift System
A procedure that differs from a tradition blepharoplasty that involves minimal incisions, risk, and anesthesia with maximal and natural results.
These are the common eye problems in children such as congenital ptosis, coloboma, epiblepharon, epicanthal folds and entropion.
These are procedures done to repair or correct eyelid problems such as droopiness.
Most eyelid cancers are basal cell carcinomas and often occur on the lower eyelid, but also occur anywhere on the eyelid margins, corners of the eye even on the eyebrow skin. They are usually painless, but sometimes there may be ulceration with bleeding that cause significant damage to the eyelid.
The complications that could happen during or after eye lift surgery.
A condition where this is an overflow of tears because of blocked tear ducts, infection, or over irritation of the eyes.
Occurs when a person cannot move some or all of the muscles of the face which is caused by damage to the facial nerve, stroke or trauma during birth.
Juvederm for Hollow Eyes Treatments
An injectable filler approved by the FDA for the treatment of facial creases, wrinkles and deep folds in the faces of patients. It can also be used in the lips and even to fill hollows and scars in the face.
The use of laser for the treatment of wrinkles caused by sun exposure or the effects of skin aging.
A prescription treatment to produce or grow longer and thicker eyelashes. This is not a permanent treatment.
Male Blepharoplasty / Blepharoplasty for Men
A surgical procedure designed for males to improve the appearance of the eyelids and produce a more youthful appearance to the eyes by removing extra skin and the removal and/or redistribution of eyelid fat.
Non-surgical eye lift options
Options for the correction of droopy eyelids or lifting eyelids without using any surgical procedures.
Any physical or chemical trauma to the eye that may cause problems in vision and/or appearance.
A non-surgical radio frequency technology where the skin is heated at the level of the dermis similar to a CO2 laser. Like a CO2 laser, the skin generates collagen to help improve the quality of the wrinkles. Unlike the CO2 laser, Pelleve does not penetrate the skin so there is no sign of scarring.
Surgery to lifts droopy eyelids a caused by age, trauma as well as congenital origin.
Uses Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix to correct effects of skin aging using the patient’s own platelets to stimulate cell proliferation and tissue re-generation.
An inflammation and engorgement of the soft tissues such as the fat and muscles surrounding the eyes. This causes the eyes to be pushed forward and occurs in association with an overactive or underactive thyroid gland.
A cosmetic eyelid surgery procedure that removes, sculpts and reduces eye bags caused by bulging fat deposits in the lower eyelids. This procedure is internal, producing no outside scars and preserves the natural shape of the eyes.