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Manhattan, New York City Office

633 3rd Avenue (between 40th and 41st St) Suite 13D
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 265-8877
Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am- 5:00pm

New Manhattan location office map

If you consider making an appointment with Dr. Prasad so that he may help you make better informed decisions and help you determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your case. You may reach our Manhattan office at (212) 265-8877 of fill up the contact form below. Our lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


    patient testimonial "I had a great experience with Dr. Prasad"
    patient review on consultation with Dr. Amiya Prasad
    patient review "The attention to detail, patient care, and positive environment are exceptional"
    patient testimonial "I am happy with the outcome of my procedure"