New York Cosmetic Surgery Specialist

International Patients – Dr. Prasad’s Cosmetic Surgery for Those Abroad


Dr. Prasad is a New York cosmetic surgery specialist who treats numerous patients from outside of New York City and even the United States. Many of patients have sought out his special style of creating a naturally-enhanced, youthful appearance, and they come from all corners of the world to get it.

If you would like Dr. Prasad to render a medical opinion in cosmetic surgery and you are abroad, please call or inquire with our patient coordinator to receive further instructions. If you need to schedule cosmetic surgery in New York, we will work with you to do so at your convenience.

Our staff will be happy to assist you with hotel accommodations and travel arrangements in New York City or Garden City, New York. We also have several members of our staff who are fluent in Spanish, should this be desired.


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